I had a good thing going. It was easy. It was simple. It gave The Boy such satisfaction: the relationship he had with his beloved blue sidekick, a ragtag little dog named Bobo. I'm not sure who passed this small stuffed gift-from-God to him the day of my/his baby shower, but I know that they probably had no idea at the time what effect that precious pooch would have on Matt. Bobo is a trusted friend, never far from his side when duty calls: bedtime, belly aches, even stealing away in his backpack and secretly hanging out at preschool a few times last year when Matt was still unsure of the whole "higher education" thing.
Their pairing started out like this. A sweet, quiet and cuddly something to catch a few zzz's with.
As time passed and The Boy grew older, Bobo became a wrestling buddy.
Matt's down. |
Bobo's down. |
I don't think a move like that is sanctioned. |
Love again. |
The Boy grew older still and we decided to bring him to the land of his (partial) heritage. For fear of many sleepless nights, we paid for a seat for Bobo, and he travelled the countryside with us.
Bobo napping in the rental. |
Bobo in Florence. |
Bobo at The Vatican. They wouldn't let him in (pants are required). |
Bobo at the Coliseum. |
Bobo and The Boy, looking longingly at the land of their ancestors. Wind in their hair and all. |
This dog has been faithful, loyal, obedient, and respectful of all things MINE. He never once dug a hole, peed in my living room, tore through a sofa cushion, decapitated a garden hose, or rendered an innocent screen door a doggie-door with his own brute force. So why, I ask you, WHY (other than my own stupidity and guilt over the ridiculous "only-child" thing), would I purchase THIS?!
Miss Ruby. Part good dog/part Lucifer. |
The moral of this story, my friends: if you ever feel guilt over not giving your kid a flippin' sibling, get over yourself. The child will survive. Your sofa and your garden hose, on the other hand...
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