My name is Michelle. Have answered to Ella, Chelle, Lou (don’t ask), and yes, for many years, (and still to some members of my family) Talulah. For the past four years: Mom. And most recently, to The Dog, I am she-who-controls-the-food.
Sharing is what I do. And when it comes to sharing words with another, I find that the act can be both uplifting and healing, which is pretty much what inspired my journey into blogging and the creation of “That’s My Boy.” Cheap girl's therapy, you could call it.My son, Matthew (aka The Boy), and life as mommy are certainly a repeating theme of many of my posts, but the more I write, the more I realize there's so much more to discuss. I’m a multi-faceted girl, you know, with many interests. I love anything that makes your house a home and a place of comfort for those who live and visit there. I like to cook. In the past year I've found out that I'm quite partial to Hip-Hop, so from day to day, you may see posts touching on great bargains to pretty up your space, easy recipes that make you look like you really know what you’re doing in the kitchen, or the latest Ludacris release. This website is personal. I write from the heart, babe.
Please come on in and stay awhile. Look around. Read some stuff and if you like, leave a comment, and share yourself. I'm a talker, so let's start the discussion now...