Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lines We Feed Our Kids

Every once in a while I wonder: When Matt's hit the age of reason, and can look back and reflect on all the stuff I said to him when he was little, will he confront me with "Seriously, ma...what the h*ll were you talking about?!" I mean there are truly times when he pops a question off and the fact is confirmed that my 4-year-old is smarter than me.

Anyway, I was glad to overhear the other day at the playground that I wasn't the only one who often feeds my kid a line. A man and his young son (seemed about 5) were on their way out of the gate I was standing near (trying my best to observe Matt at a distance...I hate hovering) when I heard the man state "Yes, class is over." "Why are the other kids staying then?" the boy asked his dad. "Their class just began," was the answer. Made me giggle. Hey, a parent's got to do what a parent's got to do to leave the playground without a scene.

What's the one line you've fed your kid that made you think "Ha! I'm clever. Better jot that down"? :o)


  1. Ha! This reminds me of a Real Simple article that I read recently. I was nodding my head along to a few of them, maybe even tucking a few away for future reference!! :) http://www.realsimple.com/magazine-more/inside-magazine/your-words/little-white-lie-00000000040728/index.html

  2. We have a LOTS of deer that frequent our backyard each day. I have Lil convinced that one of them is Rudolph & that they are checking on her to see if she is being naughty or nice. She really believes that they report directly to Santa.....poor thing throws herself into a tizzy when they see her doing something naughty!


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